San Bernardino Valley College, Rep. Pete Aguilar Celebrate $1.5 Million for the Clean Energy/Electric Vehicle Technician Program

SBCCD Colleges
3 min readMar 28, 2023


SBCCD and SBVC students and leaders celebrating with Rep. Aguilar.

San Bernardino Valley College hosted a ceremony on March 16 to thank Rep. Pete Aguilar for his leadership securing $1,500,000 in federal funding for the Clean Energy Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician Program. The college will use this funding to purchase heavy-duty zero-emission trucks and charging stations for students to train and work on.

“The work being done in the clean vehicle technology program at Valley College is going to help improve our air quality and move our region, our state and our country towards a clean energy future,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar. “This funding is helping prepare our students for good-paying jobs right here in the Inland Empire. I will continue working closely with San Bernardino Valley College to create good-paying career opportunities for our residents.”

Rep. Pete Aguilar (Erick Zambrano/SBCCD)

“Thanks to Congressman Aguilar’s support, San Bernardino Valley College is leading the way in preparing students for the green jobs of the future,” said San Bernardino Community College District Chancellor Diana Z. Rodriguez. “The Inland Empire is increasingly at the crossroads of the supply chain industry, and with this federal investment, our graduates will continue at the forefront, ensuring that we have clean vehicles on our roads to help protect the air we breathe.”

SBCCD Chancellor Diana Z. Rodriguez (Erick Zambrano/SBCCD)

“As we move towards a cleaner, greener future, it is vital that we invest in our local workforce and provide them with the training necessary to succeed in this rapidly evolving field,” said San Bernardino Valley College Interim President Linda Fontanilla. “We appreciate Congressman Aguilar’s leadership in bringing back dollars to create more local opportunities for our students and their families.”

SBVC Interim President Linda Fontanilla (Erick Zambrano/SBCCD)

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